Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We went to Main Street tonight where the street is shut down and people pass out candy. We had an absolute's always fun to hear everyone tell you how stinkin' adorable your kid is. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We're making it!

Seth had his surgery last week, and we are so thankful to God that Seth is recovering so well. His Mimi and Pa-paw came over to visit on Sunday, and his Granny came to see him Sunday and went home this morning.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trick or Treat!

It's been awhile, eh? Let's see...other than the fact that my hard drive finally gave up the ghost, I have a little baby who is crawling, pulling up, and trying to let go. He's into everything. One million toys, and he wants to play with the dog gate, the doors, the drawers to the dressers, and anything on the coffee table. He's so stinkin' cute, though, so that's his saving grace.
On Friday, Mike, Seth, and I went to the zoo for Halloween festivities. He is dressed up as a puppy dog, and he was the most adorable child there. :) He's graduated into the big boy bathtub, and thinks it is the greatest thing ever. The last picture is his "What? Who, me?" look that he gets right before he heads over to check out the light sockets.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Getting mobile.

Seth is sooo sooo sooo happy because he has figured out how to crawl. Yep, he's on the move. He has been rolling and scooting and even doing a little backwards crawling, but today there was an unattainable Elmo book and he went for it. I picked up the camera to take a video, and have five minutes of him doing just about nothing as I try to convince him to do it again.
The above picture is just Seth hanging out at Quizno's. I gave him my empty potato chip bag to play with and he was oh-so-happy.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ah, yay.

So I finally figured out how to hook up my new camera to the computer. I figure Seth will be able to teach me how to use all this technology in a few years, so I'm not stressing out too much about my constant befuddled state.

Monday, September 15, 2008

All smiles

We've come a loooong way since those first few months that Dr. Harvey Karp calls "The Fourth Trimester". Now instead of hours of wailing and fussing, we've got smiles and smiles. Seth, too, of course. :)

No teeth, yet, though. I'm pretty sure he's going to the prom toothless. (Yeah, right. As if I'd let him go to prom. Do Mama's come to prom? Then I might consider it.)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Play date!


Like a little Sumo wrestler.

Just a swingin'...

So happy.

Play dates are exhausting.

We had a play date yesterday with our friends, Tara and A.J. We started at Tara's house to play with some of A.J.'s toys, and then moved on to the park for Seth's first experience with the baby swings. As you can tell, the baby swings were a big hit. He also enjoyed watching all the other kids run around and knock each other down.